Monday, August 30, 2010

Stress, stress, stress.

I feel extremely stressed this month. It might not look like it, but I have a lot going on.

First off, college. Sure, the days are shorter but it's so much more stressful than high school. I have to drive 45 minutes away, but it takes me about an hour or more to get there. There's a crap load of traffic. Then when I get to school, there's barely any parking spots. Some of my classes I have to keep track of my assignments online. That gets annoying.

Second, finding a job. It's hard to find one in this economy. Whatever that means. Plus, I'm being picky. I don't want to work fast food, it would make me feel like a hypocrite selling/making meat products since I'm a vegetarian. I get nervous asking for applications. I don't think anyone's applying anyways.

Third, a car. I don't have my own car. I have to drive my mom's huge SUV. I can't see the sides of the road and it's too high up. I want a car car. But like I said before, I don't have a job.

Fourth, money. I need it. lol. I need it to pay for gas, I need it to pay for my part of the car insurance, I need it to buy stuff I want, I need it to help pay for college. Obviously, I can't have money without a job.

Fifth, time. I never have time to do the things I want to do. It would help to relieve stress if I could do things.

So, that's what's on my mind right at this moment.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


So, in Animal Crossing: Wild World, I really want the golden axe. I'm tired of using a axe, it breaking, and me going out to buy a new one. I mean, I paid off my last mortgage, so it's not like I don't have the bells to buy axes, it's just annoying. But to get the golden axe you have to do a bunch of trading. It all starts with a red turnip. First off, Joan, the person that sells turnips, only comes on Sundays. Not only does she only come on Sundays, but she only comes between six and twelve in the morning. Now, on Sundays I usually sleep until ten. So, that only gives me a couple hours, but I normally forget to play Animal Crossing anyways. Not only that, but you can only buy one freakin' red turnip. On the chance that I do remember to buy one, I normally forget to water it. If you forget one day, it will wilt and die. You have to give this turnip to Wendell, but he doesn't have a set schedule, he comes on a random day. Your life has to be consumed with Animal Crossing, basically, to buy the turnip, keep it alive, and give it to Wendell. Say he comes the Monday after you buy the turnip, well too bad for you. You don't know he's coming, so you plant it so it won't die. Once you plant it, you can't take it out until it's bigger. If you finally get the chance to give him the turnip, he'll give you one of two items that you'll have to trade with a bunch of other people. There are three possible outcomes for this entire switching game, so you only have a 33.33% of getting the golden axe the first time. I'm guessing you can go through the whole entire trading thing again, but the annoyance of it all just boggles me. I want the axe, but I'm not going to consume my life with Animal Crossing. I'll try, but I'm not going to let these animals try to drown me in their life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So, Books-A-Million was having a sale, I guess. They had a huge 75% off section. I bought six books for $21: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Gulliver's Travels, The Last of the Mohicans, Pride and Prejudice, and Moby Dick. I am ready to read some classics. I've read part of Gulliver's Travels and want to finish it. Some of those I've seen the movie for, and just have to read. Books have way more detail. They've been around for decades, it's about time I read them.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of College.

Like I said before, I left at 7:45 when my class started at 9:10. I got there at 8:50. There was no parking spaces, I almost started to cry. I found one and parked, and only had four minutes to get to class. I got to class around the same time my teacher did. My day went pretty well. I made a new friend. Then I decided to take my friend home. My other friend was his ride, but he got out an hour and twenty minutes after him. Went to the bank and that was my day.

Starting College.

Today will be my first day of college. My first class doesn't start until 9:10, but I got up at six. Leaving my house at 7:45. I feel nervous and like I'm going to be sick or have a panic attack. Last night I was afraid that my alarm clock wouldn't go off or I wouldn't hear it. Luckily, I heard it. Now I'm afraid that it will take me awhile to find the parking lot in front of the buildings I have to be in, that I'll forget something, or that I'll be late for my class. I'm a whole bunch of nervous. lol. I'll post about my day when I get back home.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Follow Me.

I know this is going to be lame since I only have one follower. *Waves to one follower* But I was thinking that if anyone wanted to follow me, whether that be my one follower, future followers, or anonymous people just looking at my blog, that they could if they wanted. So here:

Gaia Online-eveejoystar

I know it's pretty redundant since almost all of them are eveejoystar. See, they used to be different, but I changed them all to eveejoystar so I wouldn't have to remember a bunch of usernames. And, well, obviously you can't change your username on YouTube. My Photobucket is different too, but that's not important.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Life: ATM.

Not to be emo, but my life is pretty lame and sucky at the moment. I've spent all Summer at the house. I went bowling with two of my friends ONCE. I've seen my friend, Nick, three times, Becca once, and Shane once. That's all the contact I've had with any of my friends. They're too busy for me. I don't want to leave the house, because it's loser-ish to hangout by yourself. And now the Summer is almost over. I start college the 23rd. I have a couple friends, and they said we would keep in touch, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. This is why I never believe people when they tell me that they're really friends with me. I'm ALWAYS the one trying to make contact. I'm the one that sends the texts, and the messages, trying to stay in touch. No one does that with me. I really don't want to make new friends. Well, I'm okay with making new friends, but I like my old friends. I don't want our friendship to end. Nothing goes the way you planned, I guess. I guess when I start college that I'll either make new friends, or I'll be a "no friend loser". That's my destiny. How exciting. *sigh* I'll have to deal with it. If it's option two, that will suck. I'll still have no one to hangout with. I realized that going places by yourself was lame a couple weeks ago. I went to the mall to exchange something. I love the mall, and never get to go, so I expected me to stay awhile. I went there, exchanged my pants, bought a smoothie, and left. It's extremely boring to be at the mall by yourself. Shopping, period, is boring by yourself. And of course you look like a loser if you go to the movies by yourself. AND don't get me started on going out to eat by yourself. So, that's my life: atm.