Sunday, March 7, 2010


I'm a pretty sucky gamer. I love video games a lot, but once it gets difficult for me I give up on the game. Eventually I get to a point where I'm stuck on all my games because I give up on them. How lame is that?? I need to stop being a wuss and actually try to get pass the hard part. I'm stuck on Pokemon Platinum, Super Mario 64 DS, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Rune Factory,Starfox Adventures, and D&D Tactics. Okay, so I'm not exactly stuck on all of them. Some of them I'm just at a difficult point that I don't want to deal with. But seriously, that's around half of my games. Okay, not really. That's definently less than half, but it's still a lot of games.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

First Post.

So, this is the second time I've tried to post this. My laptop is annoying. I'm excited to finally start blogging. I know that little or no people will reading my thoughts, feelings, and boring stuff about my life. It doesn't matter; I'm doing this for me and no one else.