Saturday, October 23, 2010
Race for the Cure.
This is a little late, but I decided I would post about it. October 16th I did the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. It was a 5k run/walk, which in case you didn't know is 3 miles. lol. Obviously, since I'm super lazy and inactive, I walked it. Finished in an hour and five minutes. There were tons of people there wearing pink wigs, like last time. There was lots of free stuff, but nothing new from last year. They were raffling off a pink bike. I didn't enter even though I wanted to. Before the race started, my mom was standing beside me. The race started, and fifteen minutes later, she was out of my sight. She left me! lol. When the race was over, we were super hungry so we went to Applebees. My legs felt like jelly and I have a blister on my foot that makes me look like I have a flesh eating disease. O_o And that was how the race went. I might be doing another one soon.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
2010 VMA's.
First I would like to say that I'm not going to say much about the pre-show. There'll probably won't be much that I want to talk about. Also, I missed the first fifteen minutes.
Okay, now to my thoughts. lol.
Before I went in the shower I saw the first couple minutes. Hayley Williams looks gorgeous, of course.
Came back and saw Snooki. Okay, so I didn't see a big deal in the "poof", but when I saw her without it, she just didn't look the same.
Nicki Minaj performed. She was good. I've heard that some artists suck live, but she was good. I would have liked to see more craziness, but whatever.
A commercial said that Kellogg Poptarts is going to make a huge announcement. lol.
Some people from True Blood showed up. I've read the books but never watched the show. I couldn't even guess what characters they were. I'm going to bet that the books are better anyway.
Kesha showed up wearing a dress made out of garbage bags. Not surprising.
Lady Gaga showed up. She looked great. She seems like a sweet person. She had long hair, which is my favorite look on her.
The VMA's:
It opened up with Eminem performing. He was great. I love when artists sound the same live as they do on their cd. As soon as I saw Rihanna I almost started to cry. She's amazing. She looked amazing too. She had long red hair, so I'm thinking it's a wig or something. She was wearing this really cute, white dress too.
Lindsay Lohan was in the opening act. She made me lol.
Chelsea Handler was the host. She was trying to do some Lady Gaga thing. Ehh. But she made jokes about Justin Beiber so that made me lol.
Best Female Video: Lady Gaga- "Bad Romance". Woooo!!! I knew it. lol. I voted for her on everything, so we'll see how well I did later. Gaga started crying. She is so sweet. I want to hug her.
Best Rock Video: 30 Seconds to Mars. I wanted Paramore to win. :/ I used to like 30 Seconds to Mars, but their new stuff is ehh to me.
Justin Beiber performed. I seriously wanted to die. O_O He came in with girls chasing him; I wanted to gag. I honestly think he was lip-syncing. I like to watch performers mouths when they're singing. I could be wrong, but that was what it looked like to me.
Usher performed. Honestly he's old news to me. I haven't enjoyed his music since I was in middle school. The flashing light thing on the floor was mesmerizing though. I don't know if it was obvious to anyone else, but he was barely singing. Mostly dancing.
Best Male Video: Eminem. I really didn't care for Best Male Video.
Florence + the Machine performed. Ehh. She didn't lip-sync though, so I loved that.
Best Pop Video: Lady Gaga! Woo! Another one I voted for. Also, outfit number two. This long black dress and spike mohawk thing. Then she screamed "yeah" really loud. lol. Gawd, I don't know how many times I can say she's amazing.
Taylor Swift performed a new song. There was a little clip before with Kanye interrupting her last year. I found her new song a little boring. Was the song supposed to be about Kanye?? I couldn't tell. Also, I just noticed she was barefoot.
Okay, so the Poptart announcement was something about a million Poptarts. Boring.
Drake performed. Honestly, I think he should stick to Degrassi. Not saying that he sucks, but still. And he does this weird hand thing when he raps.
Chelsea Handler got in a hot tub with the Jersey Shore. lol. In her dress.
Best Hip Hop Video: Eminem. Not surprised.
My wife, Selena Gomez, looked beautiful in a shiny silver dress.
Hayley Williams and B.O.B. performed. I think he sounds better live. He has a more rough sound live. I didn't like Hayley's bun. After performing "Airplanes" she performed "The Only Exception", which I love.
Before commercial, some short-haired, blonde chick was singing. She sucked and looked like she was having a seizure.
Victoria Justice looks adorable.
Best New Artist: Justin Beiber. Eww. I was hoping Nicki Minaj would win. I guess it's not surprising since he has crazy hormonal little girl fans. He makes me gag.
Emma Stone looks hot. She's wearing a tight dress that looks like leather. Hopefully it's fake.
Linkin Park performed. I hate them so much. Possibly more than Justin Beiber. Plus, I really hate the song they performed. It's new; I think it's called "Catalyst". I hear it every day on the radio when going to school. It makes me want to wreck my vehicle.
OMG! Cher! I'm surprised to see her.
Lady Gaga is wearing an outfit made out of meat. :( Sadness. I still love her though.
Video of the Year: Lady Gaga! Woooooo!!! She cried and sung a little bit of a song from her next cd.
Aziz Ansari. lol. That's all I have to
Did not like Kanye's performance. Especially that auto-tuned crap.
And those were my thoughts on the VMA's. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Great Day, Boring Post Name.
So, I had a great day today. Nothing exciting or out of the ordinary, but still great. I didn't have to stay in my Introduction to Computers class, and I got out of my Interpersonal Communication class early. And I got free cookies. I wore one of my new dresses today, as you can see to the right. I got some compliments. Brightening the world, one day at a time. lol. Went to turn in some applications. Only turned in half of them. The ones I didn't turn in was b/c they told me I needed to put personal references if I didn't have work references. I didn't put any down b/c it said "Business/Professional". I just assumed they didn't want personal references. Well, I'll turn those ones in later. I was at GameStop and my friend, Daniel, bought me Devil May Cry. Excitement. Can't wait to see how it is. Then I took Daniel to PetSmart so he could get some crickets for his lizard. Looked at some kittens. Saddens me. I want one so bad. I'll have to wait until I get my own place. I had Taco Bell, and that was pretty much my day. Like I said, nothing exciting.
video games
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So, I'm thinking of possibly getting a 3DS when it comes out. It's going to get tons of great games and they're going to remake Ocarina of Time.
Here's a list of games I'm interested in:
-Shin Megami Tensei (Never played it, but heard it's interesting.)
-Super Street Fighter IV
-Harvest Moon 3D *crazy arm flail!* lol.
-Animal Crossing
-Mario Kart
-Star Fox 64 3D
-Final Fantasy
I'm sure they'll probably come out with more interesting games.
The reason why I'm still contemplating it is b/c I already have a DS Lite. If there's a lot of 3DS exclusive games then I'll buy it.
It will be different than the DSi. I didn't get one of those b/c it the games played on both systems and it didn't have a GBA slot. I have a GBA, so I guess I don't really need it for that now. I only needed it to transfer Pokemon to Pal Park.
So, I believe there are more pros than cons. Hopefully it won't be expensive.
animal crossing,
Harvest Moon,
video games
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sun dresses, what?? O_o
So, me and mom went to the mall because today was JCPennys last day of it's Labor Day weekend sale. There wasn't really anything great there. I bought a shiny silver purse for about eight dollars. :D It looks better in person. Then mom told me to get lost so she could do some xmas shopping. lol. I bought three sun dresses that have tons of flowers on it. Which, is really shocking if you know me. And for some reason that's all I can remember about my day at the mall. lol. Well, besides eating there. I would post pictures of my dresses, but it took forever just to post the picture of the purse. My day felt more eventful then it sounds. lol. Well, maybe one day I'll post a picture of the dresses.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Stress, stress, stress.
I feel extremely stressed this month. It might not look like it, but I have a lot going on.
First off, college. Sure, the days are shorter but it's so much more stressful than high school. I have to drive 45 minutes away, but it takes me about an hour or more to get there. There's a crap load of traffic. Then when I get to school, there's barely any parking spots. Some of my classes I have to keep track of my assignments online. That gets annoying.
Second, finding a job. It's hard to find one in this economy. Whatever that means. Plus, I'm being picky. I don't want to work fast food, it would make me feel like a hypocrite selling/making meat products since I'm a vegetarian. I get nervous asking for applications. I don't think anyone's applying anyways.
Third, a car. I don't have my own car. I have to drive my mom's huge SUV. I can't see the sides of the road and it's too high up. I want a car car. But like I said before, I don't have a job.
Fourth, money. I need it. lol. I need it to pay for gas, I need it to pay for my part of the car insurance, I need it to buy stuff I want, I need it to help pay for college. Obviously, I can't have money without a job.
Fifth, time. I never have time to do the things I want to do. It would help to relieve stress if I could do things.
So, that's what's on my mind right at this moment.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
So, in Animal Crossing: Wild World, I really want the golden axe. I'm tired of using a axe, it breaking, and me going out to buy a new one. I mean, I paid off my last mortgage, so it's not like I don't have the bells to buy axes, it's just annoying. But to get the golden axe you have to do a bunch of trading. It all starts with a red turnip. First off, Joan, the person that sells turnips, only comes on Sundays. Not only does she only come on Sundays, but she only comes between six and twelve in the morning. Now, on Sundays I usually sleep until ten. So, that only gives me a couple hours, but I normally forget to play Animal Crossing anyways. Not only that, but you can only buy one freakin' red turnip. On the chance that I do remember to buy one, I normally forget to water it. If you forget one day, it will wilt and die. You have to give this turnip to Wendell, but he doesn't have a set schedule, he comes on a random day. Your life has to be consumed with Animal Crossing, basically, to buy the turnip, keep it alive, and give it to Wendell. Say he comes the Monday after you buy the turnip, well too bad for you. You don't know he's coming, so you plant it so it won't die. Once you plant it, you can't take it out until it's bigger. If you finally get the chance to give him the turnip, he'll give you one of two items that you'll have to trade with a bunch of other people. There are three possible outcomes for this entire switching game, so you only have a 33.33% of getting the golden axe the first time. I'm guessing you can go through the whole entire trading thing again, but the annoyance of it all just boggles me. I want the axe, but I'm not going to consume my life with Animal Crossing. I'll try, but I'm not going to let these animals try to drown me in their life.
animal crossing,
video games
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
So, Books-A-Million was having a sale, I guess. They had a huge 75% off section. I bought six books for $21: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Gulliver's Travels, The Last of the Mohicans, Pride and Prejudice, and Moby Dick. I am ready to read some classics. I've read part of Gulliver's Travels and want to finish it. Some of those I've seen the movie for, and just have to read. Books have way more detail. They've been around for decades, it's about time I read them.
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of College.
Like I said before, I left at 7:45 when my class started at 9:10. I got there at 8:50. There was no parking spaces, I almost started to cry. I found one and parked, and only had four minutes to get to class. I got to class around the same time my teacher did. My day went pretty well. I made a new friend. Then I decided to take my friend home. My other friend was his ride, but he got out an hour and twenty minutes after him. Went to the bank and that was my day.
Starting College.
Today will be my first day of college. My first class doesn't start until 9:10, but I got up at six. Leaving my house at 7:45. I feel nervous and like I'm going to be sick or have a panic attack. Last night I was afraid that my alarm clock wouldn't go off or I wouldn't hear it. Luckily, I heard it. Now I'm afraid that it will take me awhile to find the parking lot in front of the buildings I have to be in, that I'll forget something, or that I'll be late for my class. I'm a whole bunch of nervous. lol. I'll post about my day when I get back home.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Follow Me.
I know this is going to be lame since I only have one follower. *Waves to one follower* But I was thinking that if anyone wanted to follow me, whether that be my one follower, future followers, or anonymous people just looking at my blog, that they could if they wanted. So here:
Gaia Online-eveejoystar
I know it's pretty redundant since almost all of them are eveejoystar. See, they used to be different, but I changed them all to eveejoystar so I wouldn't have to remember a bunch of usernames. And, well, obviously you can't change your username on YouTube. My Photobucket is different too, but that's not important.
Gaia Online,
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My Life: ATM.
Not to be emo, but my life is pretty lame and sucky at the moment. I've spent all Summer at the house. I went bowling with two of my friends ONCE. I've seen my friend, Nick, three times, Becca once, and Shane once. That's all the contact I've had with any of my friends. They're too busy for me. I don't want to leave the house, because it's loser-ish to hangout by yourself. And now the Summer is almost over. I start college the 23rd. I have a couple friends, and they said we would keep in touch, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. This is why I never believe people when they tell me that they're really friends with me. I'm ALWAYS the one trying to make contact. I'm the one that sends the texts, and the messages, trying to stay in touch. No one does that with me. I really don't want to make new friends. Well, I'm okay with making new friends, but I like my old friends. I don't want our friendship to end. Nothing goes the way you planned, I guess. I guess when I start college that I'll either make new friends, or I'll be a "no friend loser". That's my destiny. How exciting. *sigh* I'll have to deal with it. If it's option two, that will suck. I'll still have no one to hangout with. I realized that going places by yourself was lame a couple weeks ago. I went to the mall to exchange something. I love the mall, and never get to go, so I expected me to stay awhile. I went there, exchanged my pants, bought a smoothie, and left. It's extremely boring to be at the mall by yourself. Shopping, period, is boring by yourself. And of course you look like a loser if you go to the movies by yourself. AND don't get me started on going out to eat by yourself. So, that's my life: atm.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Graduation and graduation party.
So, yesterday I graduated. Our cap and gowns were extremely ugly. They were green of course. We left extremely early so we wouldn't be late because of traffic. When we got there Fort was just getting out. I had to go to the South wing so it would be logical to park in parking lot B. This woman wouldn't let us in though. She was saying that they needed to let out that school first. But there was only five cars in there. Mom flipped out. That was really annoying. We went all the way around and parked in A. Then I had to walk ALL the way around the Coliseum to get to the South wing. That was painful since I was in 3" heels. I got there at four, and they wouldn't let us in until five. We got in and had to line up in our rows. THEN we had to stand there for another hour. We finally get in and sit down. Our valedictorian gave a funny speech. I got my diploma and sat down. Everyone threw their caps in the air even though we weren't allowed. I didn't because I listen to rules. When someone threw their's, it knocked mine off. That really annoyed me. Well, I get to my party and barely anyone came. Thirty something people were supposed to come but only nineteen did. My mom made food for fifty people. So we have a crap load of food leftover. My good friends came. Not like I have bad friends. lol. There are just friends I talk to more. What annoys me is people told me to my face that they were going to come. Don't tell me you're going to come if you don't think you will. Since people lied we ended up with more food than we needed. Oh, well. I got to see my real friends. And my dad, sister, and grandparents came down to see me. The only family that came. I'm glad I got to see them.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Kidney Stones.
So, today I woke up at four in the morning with a terrible pain in my lower right abdomen. I thought that I had a stomach cramp because yesterday I walked for two hours. Normally when I have a stomach cramp I lay down in a different position for it to go away. No matter what I did it just would not go away. This went on for an hour. I then heard Rocky out in the kitchen. I went and told him about my problem. He thought it was gas. O_o He left and I told my mom. I laid in her room for awhile. I went back to my room and the pain had doubled. I felt like I had to throw up. While all this was going on I felt like I had to pee really bad, but no matter what I couldn't go. I decided to lay in the bathroom. I was sweaty and I threw up two times. It was small. I was hoping it was going to be a lot and then my stomach would stop hurting. I was crying, it was just terrible. Well, my mom called around and decided that she was going to take me to the doctor. The doctor's office didn't open till nine. O_o Around 6:30 I told my mom that I couldn't wait that long, that the pain was too much. She told me to get dressed and that she was gonna take me to the ER. Well, while she was driving my pain went away. We thought it might have been the way I was laying in the seat. She decided that we would drive some more then go home. I got home in time to watch Pokemon. Only missed half of it. We then went to the doctor at about nine. Come to find out, I had just passed a kidney stone. The whole time I thought that my appendix was probably bursting. Since I felt better we went to IHOP. I got some cheesecake pancakes and a garden omelet. I went home and took a nap since I had been up since four. Mom's friend Pam came around twelve so I could practice driving some. Then she took me to Starbucks. :) And that's pretty much how my Saturday went.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My sister's missing.
So, my 16yo sister went missing around 7pm on Friday. No one knows where she is or anything. I'm not sure if they found her last night, because I went to bed around 5. Hopefully they found her. I don't want her missing this long. It makes me think something bad happened. If they found her last night while I was sleeping, that could mean that she just tried to run away. If they didn't find her, I will start to think that she left the house and then was kidnapped. :(
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day of Silence.
So, yesterday was the Day of Silence. I would say it was a pretty successful day for me. I only talked twice. Once was to say "here" when my name was being called for roll, and the other time was when school ended b/c someone said "hey" to me. That one was an accidental slip. Besides that, I was quite the entire day. Some people were just doing it while at school. Also, I didn't text or get on Facebook, because that's still talking. I guess other people were only going for physical silence.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Alice in Wonderland.
Just saw Alice in Wonderland. It was pretty amazing. The cheshire cat is still my favorite character. To me he seems to be the only one with sense or whom is sane. Alice didn't annoy me as much as she did in the book. Johnny Depp did a pretty good job. I loved the dance he did at the end. lol.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Video Games.
So, I just beat Pokemon HeartGold. I think I'm going to "catch 'em all" on this one. I was previously trying to do that on Pokemon Diamond and I still will. It's going to be difficult because I'll need to trade between my two games and I don't have a second DS. Sadly, none of my friends have told me that they would let me use theirs. So selfish of them. I have a goal that I probably can't get to. T_T
video games
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm a pretty sucky gamer. I love video games a lot, but once it gets difficult for me I give up on the game. Eventually I get to a point where I'm stuck on all my games because I give up on them. How lame is that?? I need to stop being a wuss and actually try to get pass the hard part. I'm stuck on Pokemon Platinum, Super Mario 64 DS, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Rune Factory,Starfox Adventures, and D&D Tactics. Okay, so I'm not exactly stuck on all of them. Some of them I'm just at a difficult point that I don't want to deal with. But seriously, that's around half of my games. Okay, not really. That's definently less than half, but it's still a lot of games.
Harvest Moon,
video games
Thursday, March 4, 2010
First Post.
So, this is the second time I've tried to post this. My laptop is annoying. I'm excited to finally start blogging. I know that little or no people will reading my thoughts, feelings, and boring stuff about my life. It doesn't matter; I'm doing this for me and no one else.
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