Monday, May 31, 2010

Graduation and graduation party.

So, yesterday I graduated. Our cap and gowns were extremely ugly. They were green of course. We left extremely early so we wouldn't be late because of traffic. When we got there Fort was just getting out. I had to go to the South wing so it would be logical to park in parking lot B. This woman wouldn't let us in though. She was saying that they needed to let out that school first. But there was only five cars in there. Mom flipped out. That was really annoying. We went all the way around and parked in A. Then I had to walk ALL the way around the Coliseum to get to the South wing. That was painful since I was in 3" heels. I got there at four, and they wouldn't let us in until five. We got in and had to line up in our rows. THEN we had to stand there for another hour. We finally get in and sit down. Our valedictorian gave a funny speech. I got my diploma and sat down. Everyone threw their caps in the air even though we weren't allowed. I didn't because I listen to rules. When someone threw their's, it knocked mine off. That really annoyed me. Well, I get to my party and barely anyone came. Thirty something people were supposed to come but only nineteen did. My mom made food for fifty people. So we have a crap load of food leftover. My good friends came. Not like I have bad friends. lol. There are just friends I talk to more. What annoys me is people told me to my face that they were going to come. Don't tell me you're going to come if you don't think you will. Since people lied we ended up with more food than we needed. Oh, well. I got to see my real friends. And my dad, sister, and grandparents came down to see me. The only family that came. I'm glad I got to see them.

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