So, I haven't posted in an extremely long time, so it's time for an update. Lets see.....I got a haircut. See picture. I've gone to two concerts: Plain White T's and The After Party. Finished a year of college; didn't do so well the second semester, so I decided to take a break from school and just look for a job. I saw the new Pirates movie, it was pretty awesome. And I also went to the midnight showing of X-Men: First Class. It was flipping AMAZING; go see it!! I've been leaving the house more often, but I'm not hanging out with the same people. They've randomly decided to stop talking to me. They don't text or talk to me on Facebook, and supposedly said person was my best friend. Whatever then. I want to go to Ohio for the Summer, but I'm still trying to find a ride there and back, and now that I've decided to not go to school, mom might make me get a job right away. I'll have to ask her about possibly going to Ohio first. I guess we'll see. Andddd I believe that's about it. Oh! My beautiful sister bought me Pokemon Black for xmas. I have beaten it; just need to catch 'em all. NOW that's the end.
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