Saturday, June 25, 2011


I've 'liked' two pages on Facebook that inform people when places are giving away stuff for free. I also follow a couple freebie sites on Twitter. I've decided that I want to keep track of all the freebies I get. I'm not going to make multiple posts everytime I get a freebie, b/c that would probably be annoying. So, I've decided I'll make one post for each month, and just update that post each week, if that makes sense.

These first couple freebies I don't remember when I received them this month, so I'll just post them, then I'll post future freebies by week.

Freebies so far: Nescafe Taster's Choice coffee, Raisels, Tide Stain Release, Tide(enough for one load), a mini padlock(the ones you use on diaries and suitcases), John Frieda Root Awakening shampoo and conditioner, Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff shampoo: Clean & Fresh, Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff shampoo: Mint Cleanse

6/26-6/30: No Buzz Zone Patch(Mosquito Repellent), Purex(it busted before I got it), Herbs at a Glance: a Quick Guide to Herbal Supplements(book)

Friday, June 24, 2011

GaiaOnline is disappointing me.

So, when I first joined Gaia I was using it more casually, but now that I want to be more "hardcore" with it, it has become impossible. There's tons of youngin's on it who don't understand grammar and like to troll. I can't really enjoy the forums because there are regulars who make it difficult. You can't join in without them trying to make someone feel like a noob. I mostly go to the guilds that I've joined, but barely anyone goes there, so there are no new posts. Or they only post in the social part of the guild instead of the main part, and the whole reason I join a guild is to talk about whatever topic the guild is about. Plus, there's regulars in there too. Anyways, just wanted to get this off my mind and whatnot.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So, Sunday I filled out an application for Dick's Sporting Goods, then Monday they called to set up an interview, and that happened to be today. I was super nervous and spent hours thinking about what I would say to certain questions. I get there, he doesn't ask any of the questions I prepared for and the interview was way shorter than the last one I had. I actually wasn't that nervous during the interview, and I feel that I did well with the questions I did answer. I'm just not sure how I did. On one hand I feel like my answers were great, and on the other hand I feel like there weren't enough questions to get to know me. I guess we'll see what happens.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Voice.

So, I've been watching the Voice. From Christina's team, America voted to keep Beverly. Then Christina had to vote to keep another member and she voted for Frenchie. Raquel was the only member from her team that I liked. Pooey. :( Two people are going to be voted off of Blake's team then Adam and CeeLo's team are going to perform. There's two people on Blake's team that I like: Dia and Xenia. I guess we'll see what happens.
Okay, Casey's performance has made me like her. So, I will definently vote for her, and I've already decided to vote for Devon; he's really good. <3
Oh my goodness, CeeLo's group performance was hilarious and good. lol.
Dia was saved!!!! So excited!!!! And Xenia!!! Yay!! Both of my people!! Super Excitement!! I don't know why I capitalized excitement! lol.
Okay, now to wait until next Tuesday.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


So, you guys don't know a whole lot about me, so before I get to the point of this post, I'll give you some info on me.
I'm a big D&D(Dungeons & Dragons) fan. I used to play it all the time with my dad. He didn't like to buy maps for it, so he would draw his own. He'd use a ruler to draw all the squares, draw all the landscapes, and color it. So, of course he was the dungeon master. haha. Well, anyways, he got tired of drawing all the maps and tried to convince us to play without maps. That's just ridiculous in my mind, but I tried it once; didn't like it. So I haven't played in a long while. Now, my D&D playing consists of D&D: Tactics on the PSP.
Well, now to my point. If you are a huge fan of D&D like I am, then you're about to get super excited. There's going to be a D&D game on Facebook!! It's called D&D Heroes of Neverwinter. That Neverwinter part also excited me. See, I used to play Neverwinter Nights on the PC.
Well, that's all I wanted to tell you guys. haha. Hopefully you were excited like I was. Don't know when it will be playable though.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another Update. O.o

So, I've been thinking a lot about blogging lately. Before I didn't take it as seriously, but now I vow to at least post once a week. To help me, I've made my blog one of the tabs that pops up when I connect to the internet. I've also decided to post more about video games, movies, tv shows, books, etc. I shouldn't post about friends, because if they happen to see the post, they might get mad. Well, I'll post good things about them then. haha. And there's my update post. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

3DS cont.

So, in a post I made almost a year ago, I was debating on whether or not I planned on getting the 3DS. Since the 3DS is finally out, I've decided to update you guys on my thoughts about that.
So the 3DS is $249.99 and I definently don't have the money for it. I'm currently looking for a job, and when I get one, the 3DS will definently be one of the things I will save up for.
At this moment there aren't that many interesting games out for it, but I will admit that Nintendogs is a guilty pleasure of mine. ;D lol. Also, Ocarina of Time 3D is coming out next week, so that's something I definently plan on getting when I finally get the 3DS.
Recently Nintendo announced what games they were going to release while they were at E3, and I've posted them in my E3 summary post. The games I'm mostly interested in is Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus, and I heard there's going to be a Mario Party game, which I think would look wonderful in 3D. I was hoping that they would mention Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Cities, but they didn't. If you're a Harvest Moon fan, then you've most likely have heard of it. There's going to be two cities, obviously, and you have to pick which one you're going to live in. One is more focused on livestock while the other is more focused on crops. There's going to be llamas, so I'm obviously going to go to the city with the livestock. haha. After doing some research, literally two minutes ago, I found out that Nintendo did mention HM at E3, it just wasn't during the conference that I happened to watch. Found out that it's coming December 31st of this year. Thank you!! I know what I'm buying for xmas. ;) So, hopefully I get enough money during xmas to buy it and a 3DS, or hopefully I have a job by then.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Favorite YouTube Channels.

So, I was sitting here drinking my coffee, trying to think of something to post and decided that I would list some of my favorite YouTube channels for you guys to subscribe to. So hopefully you enjoy them as much as I do, and hopefully you find at least one that peaks your interest.

Alphacat: He does parodies of songs and other funny videos. Most likely you've seen at least one of his videos. He's been on talk shows about his Obama impersonations.

GoRemy: Another funny youtuber. Has a bunch of hilarious videos, and some hilarious songs.

ItsKingsleyBitch: He rants about everything. Warning: Explicit language in all his videos.

L1Games: He talks about video game related stuff, has giveaways, shows updates on his store(he owns his own video game store), and he's pretty much one of my favorite youtubers.

WHATTHEBUCKSHOW: He talks about celebrity gossip and television shows. Sometimes has explicit language.

Well, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some Delightful Info.

So, I thought I would be nice and share some contest info with you.

The first one is a Green Lantern giveaway on
It's on the homepage; you should be able to see it. You could win a shopping spree.

The second one is a Youtube giveaway:
Hopefully that link works for you. You could win some video games.

Hope you enjoy. ;D

The Misunderstood Boy Wonder.

If you know Batman, and most likely you do, then you also know his sidekick, Robin. Now, most people dislike Robin and think he's a whiny brat, but I disagree and personally love him. If you've ever seen him away from Batman(Young Justice, Teen Titans, etc), then you know that he's a good leader, smart, and at times humorous. The only time he comes off as whiny is when he's WITH Batman. And why is that?? It's because Batman treats him like a kid, knocks down his ideas, and won't let him go on his own missions. Obviously, he's going to be annoyed and it's going to seem like he's whining. Wouldn't you be upset too?? He just wants to be treated like the intelligent individual that he is.

Sorry for the randomness, this is just something that has been on my mind for awhile.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Short Summary Thoughts on E3.

-Mass Effect 3
-New Tomb Raider game(awkward sounding noises that she makes; sex noises)
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!! It has dragons!
-More Kinect
-Star Wars Kinect!!
-Disneyland and Sesame Street for Kinect. -_-
-Halo 4
-It was pretty much nothing but Kinect.

-PS Vita(touch screen, $249 or $299 with 3G)
-They played some game that looked like D&D minus the dice rolling.
-Seriously, that's all that I remember about that.

-Honestly don't remember

-All that I remember was that their jokes were so bad that they actually made me laugh.

-They had an orchestra playing; classic Nintendo always being amazing.
-Miyamoto's translator should have waited to translate after he was done talking instead of talking at the same time.
-Miyamoto is soo cute. lol.
-The orchestra played the music from Skyward Sword, when you get items, etc.
-For the 25th Anniversary they've decided to release a Zelda game for each of their consoles; Ocarina of Time for 3DS launched next week?? I think that's what he said.
-September- Four Swords available on DSi as a free download.
-Skyward Swords released this holiday season; Wii Motion Plus for sword and bow and a special gold Zelda Wiimote.
-25th Anniversary Symphony concerts going to be held around the world.
-Preparing 2 music cd's for Ocarina of Time and the symphony concerts.
-Iwata talking about creating a platform for all gamers: casual & hardcore.
-Mario Kart for 3DS; saw some flying contraption and underwater tracks; kart customization.
-Starfox; tilt the 3DS to tilt your spacecraft; comes out September.
-A cool looking Mario platform game; a 3D Mario platform; interesting and new.
-Kid Icarus; looks pretty cool; three-headed dragon; Medusa; AR battling; 3 on 3 multiplayer action; comes out later this year.
-Oh my freaking goodness!! Something that DEFINENTLY looks like Luigi's Mansion!!!!!! I'm definently having a nerd'xplosion!! The ghosts definently are styled differently; has several mansions.
-Tetris, Pac-Man, and some other games we already knew were coming out.
-Virtual Console downloads include Gameboy and Gameboy Color.
-Pokemon Black/White 3D Pokedex that we already knew about.
-Wii U; controller is rectangular, has buttons(YES!), and a screen that you can switch to just in case someone decides they want to watch tv, that way you can continue playing. Seems pretty cool to me. Has other features too, but that's the one I thought was the coolest. Can video chat.
-Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS.
-Wasn't in the room for this, but based on tweets Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed, Darksiders 2, Ninja Gaiden, and Tekken are coming to Wii U.
-Nintendo definently won this.
-And I guess I lied about short summary, since my Nintendo recap is so long.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Long Time No Post.

So, I haven't posted in an extremely long time, so it's time for an update. Lets see.....I got a haircut. See picture. I've gone to two concerts: Plain White T's and The After Party. Finished a year of college; didn't do so well the second semester, so I decided to take a break from school and just look for a job. I saw the new Pirates movie, it was pretty awesome. And I also went to the midnight showing of X-Men: First Class. It was flipping AMAZING; go see it!! I've been leaving the house more often, but I'm not hanging out with the same people. They've randomly decided to stop talking to me. They don't text or talk to me on Facebook, and supposedly said person was my best friend. Whatever then. I want to go to Ohio for the Summer, but I'm still trying to find a ride there and back, and now that I've decided to not go to school, mom might make me get a job right away. I'll have to ask her about possibly going to Ohio first. I guess we'll see. Andddd I believe that's about it. Oh! My beautiful sister bought me Pokemon Black for xmas. I have beaten it; just need to catch 'em all. NOW that's the end.